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 PsPlugin Manager - With over 15 plugins

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Nub Cake

Posts : 1
Join date : 2009-07-07

PsPlugin Manager - With over 15 plugins Empty
PostSubject: PsPlugin Manager - With over 15 plugins   PsPlugin Manager - With over 15 plugins Icon_minitimeTue Jul 07, 2009 11:35 am

Here it is PsPlugin Manager!
This program allows you to easily all the top best plugins out
there. It also allows you to edit the plugins that have config
files such as noobs Dayiewer from within the program so there
is no need to go in and manually edit the text files. It also
allows you to easily install and uninstall Torch's Lock XMB.
Which now supports phat and slim models and all plugins work on
all firmwares up to 5.00 M33-6 definitly but should also work
on 5.50 GEN.

I hope you all enjoy this program!

Installation is simple.
Just place the psplugin manager folder in your Game folder

Also if you want to know what a plugin does or how to
operate it just press select while you have the desired
plugin highlighted!

Plugins included are
- Torch's lock XMB
- Torch's in game lock
- Davees MAC Spoofer v3
- MR.305S Tweakdisplay
- Noobs dayviewer v3
- EffectsXmb
- Paintonxmb
- FUSA SD V1.0.50
- My random gamboot v3
- Led control
- VSH Menu colour changer
- Screenshot Plugin
- Ultimate VSHmenu
- Hidefile

There are many plugins within this program that have been
made by many talented and creative developers and credit
and thanks goes to all of them!!!


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