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 Some anti's

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Posts : 16
Join date : 2008-09-15
Age : 31
Location : California

Some anti's Empty
PostSubject: Some anti's   Some anti's Icon_minitimeMon Sep 15, 2008 3:17 am

#Antiboot on
0x00804ED8 0x00000001

#!!Anti 35
0x0037BA50 0x00000000

0x005A0E54 0x3224002E
0x005A0E58 0x73616820
0x0057C100 0x32240067
0x0057C104 0x6C616620
0x0057C118 0x20322400
0x0057C144 0x66203324
0x0057C150 0x69772033
0x00585174 0x69203224
0x00585198 0x20332400
0x005851B0 0x4E003324
0x005A0E6C 0x3224002E
0x00599AB8 0x77203224
0x0049216C 0x25206425
0x00492170 0x64252064

#!!ANTI-Boot Error (12)
0x00503D1C 0x00000003

0x001013C8 0x34020002
0x001006CC 0x34020004

0x004E8000 0x3C1908CF
0x004E8004 0x34180050
0x004E8008 0x8F2F81FC
0x004E800C 0x15E00003
0x004E8014 0x15D80006
0x004E801C 0x34020004
0x004E8020 0x34110002
0x004E8024 0x34120008
0x004E8028 0x34130002
0x004E802C 0x34140006
0x004E8030 0x00408021
0x004E8034 0x3C0208D0
0x004E8038 0x00007020
0x004E803C 0x0A2DFE69
0x0037F99C 0x0A33A000
0x0037F9A0 0x00000000
0x00101BC8 0x340E0050
0x00100EE4 0x340E0050
0x00101C98 0x340E0050

#Anti Blacklist/Clan Invite
0x0048A990 0x20206E61
0x0048A994 0x00000000
0x0048AAF8 0x00000020
0x0057A71C 0x68200000
0x00585174 0x00000000
0x005851B0 0x4E000000

#Anti Blacklist
0x005851B0 0x4E000000
0x0048A990 0x20206E61
0x0048A994 0x00000000
0x0048AAF8 0x00000020

0x001753C4 0x34040000
0x00175C7C 0x34040000

#True Anti-Boot (Compass)
0x00185830 0x0e32f2b0
0x00185844 0xa2040eb0
0x00496af8 0x69746E41
0x00496afc 0x6F6F422D
0x00496b00 0x00000074
0x00496b04 0x69746E41
0x00496b08 0x6F6F422D
0x00496b0c 0x00000074
0x004bcac0 0x3c0808d0
0x004bcac4 0x3c0f0000
0x004bcac8 0x35ef0003
0x004bcacc 0x8d093d1c
0x004bcad0 0xad0f3d1c
0x004bcad4 0x03e00008

#ULTRA ANTI v.1 / Put on: ULTRA BOOT V.1
0x004f0000 0x3c1908cf
0x004f0004 0x34180050
0x004f0008 0x8f2f01fc
0x004f000c 0x15e00003
0x004f0014 0x15d80006
0x004f001c 0x34020004
0x004f0020 0x34110002
0x004f0024 0x34120008
0x004f0028 0x34130002
0x004f002c 0x34140006
0x004f0030 0x00408021
0x004f0034 0x3c0208d0
0x004f0038 0x00007020
0x004f003c 0x0a2dfe69
0x0037f99c 0x0a33c000
0x0037f9a0 0x00000000
0x00101bc8 0x340e0050
0x00100ee4 0x340e0050
0x00101c98 0x340e0050
0x004f01fc 0x00000001
0x0059EE54 0x3224002E
0x0059EE58 0x73616820
0x0057a100 0x32240067
0x0057a104 0x6C616620
0x0057a128 0x20322400
0x0057a144 0x66203324
0x0057a150 0x69772033
0x00583174 0x69203224
0x00583198 0x20332400
0x005831B0 0x4E003324
0x0059EE6C 0x3224002E
0x00597AB8 0x77203224
0x0049042C 0x25206425
0x00490430 0x64252064

0x001013c8 0x34020002
0x001006cc 0x34020004

0x004e8000 0x3c1908cf
0x004e8004 0x34180050
0x004e8008 0x8f2f81fc
0x004e800c 0x15e00003
0x004e8014 0x15d80006
0x004e801c 0x34020004
0x004e8020 0x34110002
0x004e8024 0x34120008
0x004e8028 0x34130002
0x004e802c 0x34140006
0x004e8030 0x00408021
0x004e8034 0x3c0208d0
0x004e8038 0x00007020
0x004e803c 0x0a2dfe69
0x0037f99c 0x0a33a000
0x0037f9a0 0x00000000
0x00101bc8 0x340e0050
0x00100ee4 0x340e0050
0x00101c98 0x340e0050

0x0047ba50 0x00000000
0x0049bda8 0x00000000

0x00503D1C 0x00000003
0x0037ba50 0x00000000
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