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 Some Animations

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Posts : 16
Join date : 2008-09-15
Age : 31
Location : California

Some Animations Empty
PostSubject: Some Animations   Some Animations Icon_minitimeMon Sep 15, 2008 2:09 am

{*1}Start Your
{*2}Start Your
{*2}A hot girl
{*2}A hot girl
{*2}Nice Ass!
{*2}Nice Ass!
{*2}dude wtf is that
{*2}dude wtf is that
{*2}O#N|\#N|-- {*0}~~#N|{*2}\
{*2}O#N|\#N|-- {*0}~~~#N{*2}|\
{*2}Oh sh*t
{*2}does this
{*2}always happen
{*2}to me when i
{*2}see a {*1}hot {*2}chick?

þ{*0}Installing Trojan.PSPcrash..
{*0}Installing Trojan.PSPcrash.....
{*0}Installing Trojan.PSPcrash...
Installing Corrupt prx files...
Installing Corrupt prx files......
Installing Corrupt prx files........
Installing Corrupt prx files...Ok
Inserting Trojan Virus.....
Inserting Trojan Virus.......
Inserting Trojan Virus.........
Inserting Trojan Virus......Ok
{*1}Beginning Installation...
{*1}Beginning Installation.....
{*1}Beginning Installation...Ok
{*2}Finalizing Installation...
{*2}Finalizing Installation...
{*2}Finalizing Installation...Ok
{*2}Error 953:Data is corrupt...
{*2}Error 953:Data is corrupt....
{*2}Error 953:Data is corrupt...Ok
{*1}Reseting PSP® now.....
{*1}Reseting PSP® now....
{*1}Reseting PSP® now......
{*1}Reseting PSP® now.......

{*1}[)o (]
{*2}#N[) o (]
{*1}#N#N[) o (]
{*2}#N#N#N[) o (]
{*1}#N#N#N#N[) o (]
{*2}#N#N#N#N#N[) o(]
{*1}#N#N#N#N[) o (]
{*2}#N#N#N[) o (]
{*1}#N#N[) o (]
{*2}#N[) o (]
{*1}[)o (]
{*1}[)o (]
{*2}#N[) o (]
{*1}#N#N[) o (]
{*2}#N#N#N[) o (]
{*1}#N#N#N#N[) o (]
{*2}#N#N#N#N#N[) o(]
{*1}#N#N#N#N[) o (]
{*2}#N#N#N[) o (]
{*1}#N#N[) o (]
{*2}#N[) o (]
{*1}[)o (]

þ #N #N (#N | |#N | |/#N(_)
#N (#N )#N | |#N | |/#N(_)
( #N )#N (#N | |#N | |/#N(_)
)#N (#N )#N | |#N | |/#N(_)
( #N )#N (#N | |#N | |/#N(_)
)#N (#N )#N | |#N | |/#N(_)
( #N )#N (#N | |#N | |/#N(_)
)#N (#N )#N | |#N | |/#N(_)
( #N )#N (#N | |#N | |/#N(_)
)#N (#N )#N | |#N | |/#N(_)
( #N )#N (#N | |#N | |/#N(_)
)#N (#N #N | |#N | |/#N(_)
( #N #N #N | |#N | |/#N(_)
#N #N #N | |#N | |/#N(_)

{*1}Hacker: Bye Bye b*tch!

{*1}Psycho B{*2}^
{*1}Psycho B>
{*1}Psycho B{*2}v
{*1}Psycho B<
{*1}Psycho Ba{*2}^
{*1}Psycho Ba>
{*1}Psycho Ba{*2}v
{*1}Psycho Ba<
{*1}Psycho Ban{*2}^
{*1}Psycho Ban>
{*1}Psycho Ban{*2}v
{*1}Psycho Ban<
{*1}Psycho Band{*2}^
{*1}Psycho Band>
{*1}Psycho Band{*2}v
{*1}Psycho Band<
{*1}Psycho Bandi{*2}^
{*1}Psycho Bandi>
{*1}Psycho Bandi{*2}v
{*1}Psycho Bandi<
{*1}Psycho Bandit{*2}^
{*1}Psycho Bandit>
{*1}Psycho Bandit{*2}v
{*1}Psycho Bandit<
{*1}Psycho Bandits{*2}^
{*1}Psycho Bandits>
{*1}Psycho Bandits{*2}v
{*1}Psycho Bandits<
{*2}Psycho Bandits
{*1}Psycho Bandits


þ{*0}insatlling 3.90 M33-3...
insatlling 3.90 M33-3...
insatlling 3.90 M33-3...
Installing Corrupt prx files...
Installing Corrupt prx files......
Installing Corrupt prx files........
Installing Corrupt prx files...Ok
Inserting FILES.....
Inserting FILES.......
Inserting FILES.........
Inserting FILES......Ok
{*1}Beginning Installation...
{*1}Beginning Installation.....
{*1}Beginning Installation...Ok
{*2}Finalizing Installation...
{*2}Finalizing Installation...
{*2}Finalizing Installation...Ok
{*1}Reseting PSP® now.....
{*1}Reseting PSP® now....
{*1}Reseting PSP® now......
{*1}Reseting PSP® now.......

Last edited by iNSaNe pro on Mon Sep 15, 2008 2:51 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : I messed up)
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Some Animations
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